- The way he squeals, smiles and rolls back and forth like a crazy man when I go get him up from his morning nap.
- He loves crunching the leaves outside. He is happy to walk back and forth over and over.
- Pre-bath sillies. Every night when we are getting him ready for his bath James gets super duper silly. First E sniffs his armpits loudly to see if they are stinky, and if he needs a bath (we always say they are extra stinky!). After lots of laughs there, we move on to back and thigh kisses. He laughs and laughs and stomps his cute little feet. Love it.
- Quads class. James loves to knee bend. He's too funny. For awhile now we've said he is the instructor of a quadriceps class at the gym. When he is doing all his knee bends we say "one two, one two!"
- How much he loves grapes. There is an unpicked grapevine on my walk route. I pick the grapes now (can't have them going to waste!) and he knows where we are and gets super excited to eat grapes after we stop to pick them.
- How he acts when Daddy arrives home from work. We wait outside oftentimes in the evenings waiting for E to arrive home from work. When James spots his car he goes crazy. He can't wait to see his "Dadada"
- The way he always dances if there is music playing or if we sing to him. It is seriously the cutest.
- The extreme happiness he has when we feed him cottage cheese. He grunts and clenches his fists really tightly, and pretty much acts super silly and very happy to be eating cottage cheese. Once he gets a bite he says "mmmm!!!" and proceeds to do more grunting.
- The way he smacks his little lips if I'm getting a drink and he wants some. I'll often drink a big glass of water first thing in the morning, and most mornings I hear some lip smacking because he wants a sip too.
- The way he figured out how to flush the toilet this weekend. Sure, E showed him once, but he's a quick learner, and now it is his favorite thing ever.
- The little determined look on his face he gets when he walks. He is so focused and so proud of himself. It is the cutest.
- How he loves to drop stuff and pick it up over and over. Often when we are walking and he is carrying something, he will very purposefully drop it, then lean over and pick it up, then drop it again, pick it up, you get the idea.
- The way he blinks his eyes when he's in a silly mood. Remember the funny squeal/laugh/cough that I posted about awhile ago? Yea, he still does it, and it is always paired with closed eyes. So funny.
- The way he whispers "kitty" whenever he sees them. No idea why he decided he should whisper, but that's what he does.
- How he waves bye bye to his binky. Every day after naps we take his binky out, put it in the crib, and wave bye bye, telling the binky we'll see it soon. James very enthusiastically waves, and will even sometimes put his binky in the crib when I ask him to.
- How he is quickly learning new things. Today I introduced the word "hug" to him. He hugged the tree, he hugged Mama, and when Daddy got home, we hugged him. James was grinning from ear to ear as we practiced the meaning of the new word.
- The way he lifts his little hand and open and closes is when we are out on walks and we walk near something he wants to touch. I always know when he wants to explore something.
- The way his face lights up when he sees E pull the iPad out. We don't let him play on the iPad every day (we want him to also love good old-fashioned books) but like his Daddy, the iPad rocks his world. He loves the piano game, farm animal sounds game and the space particle game. It is so fun to see the constant grin on his face while he plays.
- The way he looks up at me and smiles when he is doing or seeing something he likes. Almost like he's saying "are you seeing this? Isn't this great?!"
- The way he reaches his little hand out to me for me to take hold so we can explore the world together. This I really really love. Just thinking about it is making me tear up.
Walking Home in the Rain
1 week ago
Made me tear up reading this, and I've never met the kid. What a sweet little boy he seems to be, and you three seem to have a very special relationship. Thanks for sharing...