How far along: Anybody that is pregnant or has been pregnant knows the magic of hitting 35 weeks. It means 35 weeks past, 35 days to go. Holy moly.
Sleep: Some nights terrible. Most nights passable. Falling asleep in so so hard. I am more uncomfortable in my own bed then any other time of day. It is miserable.
Weight Gain/Loss: Up 21 lbs.
Belly button in or out: It is super flat. I think I'll pop out around 36 weeks, just like James's pregnancy.
Movement: Oh yes, a lot of it.
Size of Baby: 19" and gaining weight at about 5.5 lbs.
Pregnancy Symptoms: My sciatic is all I can think about these days. It hurts so much, especially when I try to sleep. Things that are not bothering me though? I'm not moody (whoo-hooo!), have no swelling (yes!!), can still fit into my regular shoes and my face isn't fat (hurrah!), and my feet don't hurt (most of the time).
Also this cold winter weather suits me so well. I hardly ever wear a coat when I'm out and the bedroom is nice and crisp at night. E keeps saying "cold" and tries to prove he's uncomfortable by wearing a full fleece set of PJs and a hat to bed (yep, its true) but it feels nice to me. ;)
Food Cravings: I need a fruit stand installed in my kitchen. I'm eating like a gorilla. Fresh fruit all the time, and lots of it.
What I miss: Sushi. The end has almost come.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting my daughter. Getting so excited for this. Not looking forward to labor, or the tantrums that will follow when James adjusts to being one of two kiddos, or the lack of sleep, but I'm very much looking forward to a new baby.
Also, E and I are going out to dinner tonight. We are going to try to go again (and maybe even once more after that) before Baby Girl gets here!
Weekly Wisdom: I had another ultrasound because my tummy is still measuring small. Baby Girl looked happy and healthy in my tummy and, according to her size, shows a due date of February 10th, which I've been planning on all along (eight days past her "official due date of Feb. 2nd). When they were trying to get a clear shot of her face for me, she kept showing them the back of her head, which as covered with quite a bit of thick hair. So darling.
Best moment this week: New Years Eve fondue rocked my world. I adore fondue. Also, the walk in the garden last weekend was so wonderful. The mild weather has stuck around and James and I have been enjoying being outside as much as possible.
Milestones: 35 weeks past, 35 days to go!
Oh wow! Only 35 days to go? I can't believe it! So excited for you!!!