She is a crawling, pulling up, cruising machine and now also stands unassisted. She has yet to take steps alone, but they are not far off. I bet within the month we'll have a walker on our hands (however I'm guessing it will be at least two months or more before she moves from crawling to walking full time).
She has had another rough month, but really, nothing compares to how bad February was, so March has been much easier. What makes it rough? She's getting her molars. Fast. These babies are huge and sharp and press on her little mouth all day and night. No wonder she's had some fussy days.
Over the last week she's also had another high fever (blah), a reduced appetite, and has been extra fussy. Took her to the doc on my birthday (blah again) and they said it was either teeth or a tummy bug. She's been pretty irritable since, so who knows.
You'd never know she's not feeling her best with photos like these! Daddy was home and helped with smile duty, and baby girl delivered!
She is making a TON of new sounds this month, and tries to repeat whatever we say. She gets so excited when we clap for her for saying "moon" or "blue" or when we go crazy when she stands up.
She is super shy around pretty much anybody other than immediate family, even friends and family she sees weekly she has to warm up to.
After Daddy went downstairs to continue working Juliet remembered she was feeling lousy and wouldn't give me another grin.
Growing teeth and/or having tummy aches is not fun.
Now onto likes and dislikes:
- Snuggles. Yep, when she's feeling her worst all she wants to do is lie her head on my shoulder and snuggle up. And she still snuggles every day for her afternoon nap.
- Nightly baths with her loud, crazy, splash obsessed big brother
- Yogurt and popsicles. When I couldn't get her to eat this month these two always seemed to hit the spot with her.
- Hiking in Zion. She did amazingly even with the teething.
- That blasted fever.
- Molars.
- Being strapped into her stroller. She's big and doesn't want to be held down.
- Food. For the last week or so she's eaten almost nothing. Boo.
- Staying up too late. Baby girl gets tired!
Finally, from 1 month until now:

Outfit details:
Blouse - Janie & Jack
Leggings - Baby Gap
Shoes - Vintage
Hair clip - Target
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