The idea was a huge hit, as we sat there in the September sun Connie worked on "C is for cat", Laura worked on "P is for pumpkin", Brooke worked on "L is for love", Melissa finalized "H is for Home", and so on. All the images were wonderful, just beautiful. I can't wait to bound this into a book, and I'll be sure to make a blog entry about it soon!
When most of the guests had arrived we started to play some other silly games, and my mom had purchased prizes too! The first game was a fill in the blank game for nursery rhymes, which was super super hard if you didn't remember or know lots of nursery rhymes. Connie won with a perfect score! The next game was really silly, it was a tasting test of baby food. Melissa brought out numbered bowls with yellow puree, green puree, and orange puree. We all decided that #5 was the yummiest (pear) and #8 was the most horrible (peas). It was amazing how hard the taste test was, but it was quite fun. Then there was a really tough fill in the blank game where Becky won, and a final game where my guests cut a length of yarn that was how big my belly was around. Almost everyone cut way way too long, but Chelsea and Kendra tied and won with a nearly perfect length of yarn!
Inside we ate a fantastic lunch of pasta salad, chips and dip, salads, fruit and cheese, and cookies. Everyone loved my mom's idea of the tablecloth. Instead of buying a tablecloth, she decided to buy 6 yards of stripped flannel, with the idea that once the party was over, I could cut it up to use for blankets and burp cloths!
After lunch my friends really really spoiled me. We opened presents and I was blown away by the love and generosity all these woman showed me. I came away with dozens of outfits, blankets, pillows, books, and wonderful sweet little boy things. I literally can't describe how cute everything is.
For the finale, my friend Becky baked an adorable cake for everyone to share. She asked me what my favorite flavor was, and totally spoiled me and made a fantastic carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
Everyone left happy and full, and I left with four HUGE HEAPING bags of gifts and leftovers. The baby shower couldn't have been better.
Melissa, Brooke, Laura and Bonnie work on their nursery rhyme fill in the blanks. I'm telling you, it was tough!
2- The yummy (and horrible) baby food.
3- Kendra's face after she tried #1, which was green beans, and was horrid.
Inside Chelsea shows off her first place prize and we gather for lunch.
Looks like it was so much fun! Sorry I couldn't make it. :( But I will see you soon!