We arrived around 1:00 to beautiful skies, colors and temperatures. The breeze was a little on the cool side, but dressing in sweaters and crunching through the leaves was just fantastic. The first thing we decided to do was take a walk around towards Mabel Pierceson's home and visit the horses. E and Connie agreed to walk super duper slowly with me, and we enjoyed every moment. The air was crisp and clear and wonderful. All the trees were bursting with color and the sky was so blue it almost looked fake.
After our walk we all decided to take a little nap. Afternoon naps at the farmhouse are a tradition as strong as gifts at Christmas time, so who are we to question it? Luckily I was able to sleep with E's snuggles, I swear, when I'm alone, I can't seem to sleep during the day.
An hour or so later we woke up refreshed and decided to go on a drive. Due to the fact that I still am craving fruit like a monkey, I first picked a homegrown pear and sliced it up before we headed out again. We drove to Spring City and spotted beautiful hawks, leaves and views. Once in Spring City E slowed the car to a crawl so we could all enjoy the wonderful little town. Along one of the side streets I spotted what I was so desperately hoping to see! A great horned owl! On the way into Spring City I pointed out all the reasons we "should" see the owl, including the fact that Halloween was less than a week away, and owls are Halloween-y, and do to the fact that I've already decided the baby's favorite animal will be an owl. ;)
I was soooo thrilled to see one! We watched him for awhile, took lots of photos, and just soaked in one of the last beautiful days of the year before the weather turns. We even drove down Highway 117, which we refer to as "Goat Road" and I got a cute video of E visiting with a half dozen very friendly goats. I just adore this time of year.
Not so fun side note: E has been really really concerned about the H1N1 flu, since all research shows it is really scary if a pregnant woman gets it. We've been watching the Utah Department of Health website waiting for the vaccine to arrive in Utah. It finally did, on Saturday. The state decided to give it out, to at risk groups, for free, as long as they had it in stock. Four clinics opened at 7:00am on Saturday morning with 2000 doses each. I arrived alone (E didn't qualify for the shot yet) at 6:45 am and was blown away by how many people were already in line! Easily over 1000! I don't know what I was thinking, I thought there might be 50 ahead of me. So I stood, and stood and stood in an outdoor line for four and a half hours. I finally got my shot, but was totally exhausted by the end. I arrived home at close to noon hungry, thirsty and very very tired and cold. Yuck.
It was a perfect autumn day!