Day to day life in the summer looks much the same. I always have the slide and the wading pool ready to go in the backyard incase a cool-down is needed. Many days we play and play and play until we are tired of the sun and the water and retreat to the cool house.
Many many days look like this. I seem to capture a lot of them with my cellphone (and Instagram) but hardly ever with my big camera.
These day to day moments, with two little people that love and adore each other, they've got to be remembered. And summer, oh I love you.
Suddenly this kid seems huge. Everything baby like is long gone. He's long and lean without an ounce of baby fat. And he's started to stand with his hands on his hips, which is just such an adult-like stance to me.
Luckily her baby fat isn't fading too quickly. She's round and perfect.
Our favorite activity is to set of the wading pool, slide, and sprinkler all at once. Dang good fun.
This baby is turning into a big girl faster than a speeding bullet. Now she can climb the slide and slide down without help. Yelp! Too big!
Summer fun is so utterly simple.
Remember these vintage swim shorts that were E's?! They look even better on this long lean boy than the rolly baby he once was. So handsome.
One day this boy will grow into a handsome man. Love him. (Don't mind the baby bum in the background. She loves climbing up the slide and sliding down on her tummy. Rule breaker.)
Juliet loves to go over to the sprinkler and dip her head into it. Each time she acts surprised when she gets a face full of water.
Happens again and again.
Once we are all tired of getting soaked we retreat to the shade for a popsicle. That ringlet behind her ear kills me. So cute.
Blue eyes and hazel.
Happy summer!
PS - We ended up staying outside all evening. Eating burgers and corn on the patio and playing in the wading pool until bedtime. Finally E and I decided to ditch bath, bring the soap outside and scrub them down. The kids thought it was the best idea ever and even realized that soapy bums made for extra fast sliding, therefore, extra large splashes. Best way to spend a summer night yet.
PPS - Want to read about playing in the backyard with these two last summer? How about the summer before (in the same swimsuit!)? And even James's first summer!
What We Need to Hear
3 days ago
Awesome post! I love the good clean summer fun! :) Happy weekend!