The party started at 5:00 pm. My dad's house was warm and welcoming with a beautiful fire flickering in the fireplace. Latkas were started (I'm actually the latka pro, my dad hardly ever makes them), beer was poured and the baby (somewhat) happily toddled around.
It it always so awesome to spend the evening with my siblings. I'm so happy all four of us still live in Utah, let's hope it stays that way as we get older.
My dad had cooked a traditional meal of brisket and we all sat down, said the Hanukkah prayer, made a wish, and dug into the fantastic food.
James was a grump most of the evening and while everyone else ate their latkas enthusiastically, James threw his on the floor. Life with a toddler is fun, right?
I finally passed the camera to my sis and she got this great shot of my little family. James even looks somewhat happy. Lots has changed since this photo was taken.
That's a great picture of the three of you in front of the fireplace!