Just in the last week a lot has happened, here is a quick list:
1. My dad went from being really depressed to motivated to sell the house literally overnight. He put it on the market, found a new one, and began to pack. It is all moving really quickly, and I’m going to miss what I’ve called “home” for the last 13 years. I was thinking the other day that I’ll never climb the tree out front, sleep on the tramp under the starts out back, or have Christmases in the family room again.
2. My mom is longing for someone special more than ever. She feels like she has found that person, but many people (including E) disagree with her decision. I am torn, I really want her to be happy, but it will be a really difficult choice for her because some people will never accept her choice, and she will loose even more people in her life. This saddens me a great deal.
3. My brother went into surgery after breaking his foot in 6 places. They say he’ll always have pain there, and it will never be as good as new. The doctors put a 2” screw in there to hold together a shattered bone. After the surgery mom wanted to go up to my Dad’s and see Ch, but my dad had a date over- and it wasn’t just a date, it was my mom’s best friend for 20 years that is now getting close to my dad (they are not best friends anymore). Needless to say, my mom was pissed and Ch felt really uncomfortable.
4. My grandpa is getting more and more tired. His chemo and radiation are going well, and he isn’t nauseous or anything, but he barley can stay awake for more than two hours at a time. Because of it, my grandma is really lonely and hoping for a speedy recovery.
5. My other brother is really having a hard time with my dad’s decision to sell the house. He doesn’t want to move out yet, and he doesn’t want to move to the new place. He is really having a hard time with the decision.
6. Then to get away from it all E and I went down to the farmhouse this last weekend and we had a problem with his sister. She and I both love American Girl items (dolls stuff) and we found a piece used in a little shop down there. I spotted it first, and therefore bought it. She wasn’t happy with me and therefore wasn’t happy for most of the weekend. The stress really built up, and I felt really hurt.
7. Another thing that I am hurt over is that two of my four (and only) girlfriends were unable to make my wedding. I'm not hurt about that, more that I haven't even heard from them for months. I understand that they each have busy lives, but I didn't get a card, a phone call, nada. I guess friends come and go, my mom sure knows that...
So I hope things get back into the groove, because all this stress is taking a toll.
On a good note, I took some really cute pictures of my dolls down at the farmhouse. Here is my favorite of Rachel and Molly:

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