What a frustrating weekend. It is a good thing I'm cooled down, because I was steaming mad on Saturday, here is what happened:
As I said earlier, E and I are excited to sell our condo and move into a house. To do this there are a lot of things that need to be done around the condo to get it into selling shape. Over the last month we have been working on this list slowly, but with E's new job, our trip, and both of us being sick we haven't worked as quickly as I would have liked.
So last weekend I decided to designate as a "work weekend." Friday I spent most of the night scraping the back door frame getting it ready to paint. Scraping these things are not easy, nor are they fun. Saturday I woke up nice and early and got right to work. I finished scraping the door frame and began to paint. I painted so carefully, and it really looked nice. Right when I finished the second coat I heard a knock on our back gate. It was a roofer, and he wanted to come into the back because they are replacing all of the trim under the rain gutters. I told him okay, but to please be careful, the door frame had fresh paint. Anyway, they started to pull the gutters off, and you can imagine, dirty, gross water splashes and spills everywhere making the entire pond and door frame dirty. Great...... Luckily the paint was dry, but it the fresh paint still needed to be scrubbed down.
So E and I are mad and hungry, and we need to go to Home Depot. The light be bought for the kitchen is not going to work, and we need to get a new screen for the upstairs window, plus we needed a few other things. First though, we needed to measure the screen in the upstairs window. The frame for the screen was not easy to get out, actually it was impossible. I wiggled, twisted, pried, tried everything, until I finally it broke the screen frame and I was able to pull the pieces from the window. Fine, we'll buy a new screen frame.
So after lunch we get to Home Depot and find out that our windows are not standard size, of course, right? So we buy all the pieces to construct a frame, this include a new saw and about 12 other tiny irritating things. We also purchase a new light for the kitchen, some more paint, screen for the new frame we must build, and a rubber plug for our upstairs bathtub.
E and I arrive home and things go well, at first. I was actually able to construct the entire frame and E installs the new light in the kitchen. We get the screen in the frame and check out the light. The light buzzes, bad. E tells me that is because we bought the new energy efficient bulbs, so I send him back to the store to get standard bulbs. While he is away I begin to work on the screen. And work on it, and work on it. It will not snap back into place, and right when I think I've got it, it bends, and cracks. Holy hell! I am ready to kill.
E gets back with the new bulbs, unscrews the other ones, and I bet you know what is coming. The brand new light brakes. Yep, brakes.
E and I both decided we would rather fly to Tanzania 10 times then to spend another day like Saturday trying to get the condo ready to sell. And what do we have to show for a full day of work? A brown dirty door frame, a cracked screen frame, and a light that now needs to be taken out of the ceiling and returned (oh, and the bathtub plug was 1/16" too big).
What We Need to Hear
19 hours ago