E's family is opening the farmhouse this weekend for Easter, after a lot of pressure from their soon to be daughter-in-law (me!). At first E’s mom said no, then she started to crack, and now everyone is very much looking forward to a weekend away.
So, a “typical” farmhouse weekend starts Friday afternoon when I leave my office at 4:00 or so, E and I pile into the car with all our stuff (bikes, crafts, dolls, and clothes) and we start off. After about an hour of fighting with traffic through Utah Valley, we exit at Spanish Fork and the beautiful drive begins, after dinner, of course. We always stop at Little Acorn at the mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon and get a burger and fries, and oh man, are they good!
About 45 minutes later we pull into Mt. Pleasant and arrive at the farmhouse. Usually Friday night we just dink around and relax. Sometimes I take a bath in the very deep farmhouse bath, and then snuggle in the feather bed with E.
Saturday morning we sleep in, late! Usually E and I get up and head to Stew’s Home Plate for a greasy breakfast. We get eggs, bacon, coffee, scones and hash browns, and damn is it good!
By now it’s already middle of the day, and E and I love to drive and explore. We drive to all the small towns with our cameras ready for pictures of abandoned houses, hawks, or baby animals. I love to explore the abandoned houses, but easily get creeped out, and E keeps watch for me.
Then we head back to the farmhouse tired and happy, we usually have a nap and a little snack of chips and salsa (as you can tell, this isn’t the healthiest of weekends). By now, E’s family is there, and we chat with them. E’s family is wonderful, they all talk so much more than an average family, and we laugh and laugh (usually about really stupid dirty jokes that Ch gets embarrassed about).
Then we make dinner. In the summer we’ll have a roast, a BBQ, or pizza. We always love to hang around outside, relax some more and just enjoy the time we have down there. In the middle of the summer we love to bring the telescope down, set it up, and look at the stars for hours.
Sunday we love to sleep in, then we make an old fashioned breakfast on the coal stove “Old Betsy.” We make bacon, eggs, potatoes, and toast, and we always drink juice! After we clean up, we head outside again, just to hang out, or we’ll go on another drive. This weekend we’ll have an egg hunt.
After another long nap, we have a little snack, clean up, and head home. This type of “typical” farmhouse weekend really is wonderful, and I’m looking forward to my second Easter down there this year!
Photo caption: E’s family’s corral in springtime
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