So I convinced two of my best buds that I talk to all too little to do a top 10 with me. My friends are across the world, so I’m looking forward to seeing what they post. To check them out, visit MishieMish here and Girliegirl here.
Top 10 things I love about spring
10. I love and hate number 10, it’s my birthday. Springtime birthdays are by far the best out of any other time of year; however, I really don’t want to get much older. I’m happy where I am. That said, every spring I really look forward to my birthday because of presents!
9. New green grass- this might sound really lame, but living in Utah I get so tired of all the brown I see all winter. When the grass starts turning green I know spring is on its way.
8. Hiking- each winter I get the desire to get outside and enjoy the canyons, and I do, on snowshoes. But when the winter snow melts I love getting out and hiking in new canyons and visiting old favorites.
7. Tulips- I’m one of those people that love watching spring flowers bloom. Just yesterday I realized some of our tulips were in bloom and I was so excited I dragged E outside to look at them with me.
6. Southern Utah- Each year E and I try to get down to Southern Utah. This year we went to Zion and it was truly magical. The weather was perfect and the hikes were awesome. In May we are going to Moab and Arches for a bit of biking!
5. Skirts- Oh, I hate dressing for work in the winter. Tall boots, long skirts, and uncomfortable tops. When spring finally arrives I pull out all my cute skirts, shave my legs, and dance into work. I’m so happy when pants weather is finally past.
4. The farmhouse- I love going down to the farmhouse in spring. I’ve missed it all winter. Everything seems so fresh and alive down there, and so green. Last weekend was like “a wee bit of Ireland!” (okay, I’m lame)
3. Biking- My bike waits patiently all winter long in our store room for the first hint of spring. Once it warms up a bit, I wipe it off, look it over, and pump up the tires (who am I kidding, E gets the bikes ready for summer!) Then we’re off to an easy trail to try to remember all the stuff we practiced the year before.
2. Easter- I’m not a religious person, at all, but I love Easter. Bunnies, new grass, dying Easter eggs, and wearing something new are all so fun. I don’t know why I’ve always loved Easter so much, but it’s always been one of my favorites.
1. The days are longer- I hate when it’s dark before I even leave work. Last night it was light until 8:00, something I didn’t think existed 3 months ago. I love going home after work and still having daylight!
Wellsie turns 3 🎂
5 days ago
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