When I was 11 my family visited Park City. Inside Dolly’s Bookstore there were two puppies that needed homes, and of course we fell in love with the little boy puppy that was so happy. My brother and I convinced my mom that we needed a puppy, and this little guy was it. The store owner was very supportive, and told us that these puppies were at a shelter and weren’t getting adopted. They were going to be put down unless they could find homes so she decided to adopt them and sell them at the store. That sealed the deal, and we left with a bouncing happy puppy in our arms.
We decided to name him Bingo. He was the smartest puppy and sweetest dog any of us had ever had. He was also half boarder collie, so he loved to “heard” us around the backyard and drive my parents insane with the paths he would run wearing down the grass.
As Bingo got older he got smarter (if this was possible). You never had to tell him anything twice, and he was so loyal to the entire family. He was also so talented at catching Frisbees and tennis balls. Bingo was one of those dogs that could jump 6 feet in the air and catch anything that was thrown. It was great fun to throw leftovers his way, he never missed a scrap.
This year Bingo turned 14 and started having a harder and harder time walking. He couldn’t hear and we could tell he was in terrible pain. We put Bingy on some pain killers, but it raised havoc on his liver, so we had to discontinue the meds. Over the weekend my dad said Bingo got worse, and he couldn’t even stand and was shaking terribly.
This morning my dad took Bingo in to be put down. I said goodbye to him last night by brushing his belly (his favorite thing) and kissing him on the nose. I miss him already, but after a very sad death with our kitty Boo, it’s refreshing to have a family pet that lives so long. He was an old man. I will miss you Bingy, I love you.
the explanation for everything
1 day ago
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