My Mother-in-law invited her three grandchildren to a special tea this afternoon, but they tea was not only for them, the invite extended to their favorite dolly or stuffed animal.
After a busy morning with friends hiking around Silver Lake which ended in Juliet falling off the boardwalk and into about six inches of water (what is with this child and falling off things into water?) we came home, napped, and changed into fancy outfits for tea.
Juliet wanted to bring Rosie, and James chose Panda.
Both looked darling and mostly acted darling. We met cousin Emilia there and had a nice private dolly tea at a local doll store. It included tiny cupcakes, tiny tea cups, pink lemonade, special mini silverware, and hats for everyone.
Being a Mama kinda rocks. Hikes in the morning, tea with dollies in the afternoon. Every day should be so awesome.
Such a fancy vintage dress with flower headband. Weather was perfection.
Freshly washed hair because falling off boardwalks and landing on your head means muddy hair. Luckily her washed hair smelled like "strawberry shortcake" according to her.
Itty bitty place settings for everyone.
Such a beauty.
Everyone chose a hat and James chose this green fedora. I can not get over how handsome he is.
Panda got a hat too.
Soon babies were discarded (Emilia), fits were thrown (Juliet), and kind words were exchanged (James).
The oldest and youngest cousins are the best of friends. James and Emilia adore each other. Juliet wanted to be left alone (two year olds are sometimes impossible).
What We Need to Hear
2 days ago
I love this so much. I miss tea parties at the doll store!