James is such a good eater. Most things he happily eats, but veggies we are still working on. When he tries something new, and doesn't like it, he'll spit it out into his hand and move it off of his high chair tray and over onto the table, or to the rejection zone. Peas? Rejected. Artichoke hears? Rejected. He's even been rejecting tomatoes as of late (which used to be a baby staple!).
He's so dang funny. Mangoes? Kiwis? Grapes? Never rejected. Those he LOVES!
And the binky swap is something else that I don't want to forget. And it is something that gets E and I laughing so hard. When we place James in his crib at night for bed, he always has a binky in his mouth. For the last two weeks or so, he's promptly grabbed another binky from his crib and spit the one in his mouth out. In about a half a second he has the new binky in his mouth. It doesn't matter which binky he starts with, he always swaps. It is so silly. What a goof.
I love the binky swap! So funny!