Birthday weekend was beautiful weather wise, so luckily we were able to have my entire family over and eat on the back patio. Early April is usually quite chilly but this year has been so warm and wonderful.
Having everyone over only happens about once a year, which needs to change, because we always have such a fun time. Aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, nieces and nephews.
Left to right: James, Jess, Chandler, Witt, Brandon, Mike, Laura, Grandma, Melissa, Mom, Charles, Juliet. Only missing me and E!
The kids love showing off for their aunts and uncles, lots of big laughs.
James said outright, more than once, that Brandon's girlfriend Jess is his favorite. He says he loves her. ;)
My best girl.
Brandon spent the entire evening playing with the kids, blowing these retro bubbles for a very happy and supportive fan club.
Chandler and Brandon adore James. How could you not?
Yellow bubbles! Matches the daffodils which fill our flower boxes.
Bunny birthday cake, which has been a tradition my entire life. I didn't get to blow out the candles, instead I had some awesome helpers.
What We Need to Hear
2 days ago
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