After years of friendship (almost ten!) and lots of visits to see her and her partner in New York, and lots of invites to Utah, Colette decided that this summer she'd take me up on the offer and came to visit last week.
We met online, through an American Girl message board in 2006 and because quick friends. We took Inky (her doll) to Southern Utah, Grand Canyon, up the canyon and so much more. She took my doll Violet to Ukraine. Yea, she definitely wins.
Having house guests is seriously so fun. We played all day and ate delicious meals. We went to all my favorite spots and showed off all the best things about Salt Lake City.
I took tons of iPhone pics, but not a single photo from my big camera. But Colette had her camera with her most of the time, and when the week was finally over, and it was time to say goodbye (sob!), she promised to send me all the photos.
So all these are hers. If you want to see a few more, visit her doll Inky's blog. It is darling and very worth the visit.
Top of the tram was definitely in order.
For the first time in ages I wasn't the one behind the camera, which meant I'm actually in some of the photos! Thank you Colette for these. I adore them.
Best family photo ever. LOVE.
Red Butte Garden was a must as well.
We also went to the cabin, on hikes, to the best Mexican restaurants that Salt Lake has, shopping, to the farmer's market, and the list goes on and on. We had the best time.
Plus, she snapped my new favorite pic of E and I.
Thank you for coming Colette, please come back soon. Anytime!
Here, here and here are a few times we met in New York. Next time I see Colette and Jen it will likely be in New York, we need to get back there so much.
What We Need to Hear
3 days ago
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