Have you heard of Ikea? If not you have probably been living under a rock. Ikea is the Swedish furniture store that is taking the world by storm. Why you ask? Because the furniture is cheap, really cheap. And beautiful. And oh so fun.

Well about two years ago Utahans found out an Ikea was coming here. This is huge news, Ikea is a fantastic store, but they choose their markets very very carefully. Denver doesn't even have an Ikea. Well they started to build the store, and thousands of jobs opened up, and my mom got one. She is in the graphic design department and loves it. Every day she tells me about the fantastic designs that Ikea has, and all the really interesting furniture and accessories.
Well last night I finally made my first voyage out to the brand new Utah Ikea (I've been to one in New York before). My mom joined me, and she showed me all the wonderful snazzy inventions and design ideas that those smart Swedes have come up with. Well I have to say I was blown away! I was so impressed! Each and every room looked fantastic, and each and every set-up was better than the last.
The prices blew my mind too. Upon entering the store I saw a wooden kitchen chair for the price of $119, pretty standard I thought. My mom informed me that that price was for four wooden kitchen chairs, and the table! Holy cow! That is amazing.
So we walked around for three hours and I saw had a chance to see her office. I decided on some furniture I've really been wanting, a set of bedside tables. In other places I've shopped the bedside tables would run me about $299 each, but at Ikea I got each for $49.

Well after spending too much time and too much money my Mom drove me home with my purchases. I was so excited to show E and start setting up the new furniture. He agreed that the furniture was an awesome deal, and agreed to help me set up one before bed. Well two hours and a whole lot of swearing later, we finally got one of the two tables set up and in the bedroom. It looks great, but now I'm starting to understand why they can sell for so cheap, the customer gets all the heartache of actually making it go together.
your new nightstand is really cute! So jealous, wish they would open an Ikea here :(