You might be wondering why I haven't updated my blog in the last week, usually I am very good about it. The truth of the matter is that I've been trying, I've really wanted to upload some videos from our trip onto my blog, but I keep getting an error message. I hope to get them uploaded in the next week though, I think they are a lot of fun.
Anyway, I found this silly questioner online, and I thought it might be a fun blog entry, it is about my love E and I.
1. Who is your man? EJT (his name is Ethan for those who don't know!)
2. How long have you been together? Married one year, together eight and a half years.
3. How long dated? We started dating in our senior year of high school, dated until we were both done with college, and then got engaged. We were engaged for a year before the wedding day.
5. Who eats more? Usually E, but I can hold my own when it comes to sushi, Indian, Mexican, and Thai. E likes the sweets more than I do though.
6. Who said "I love you" first? He did. I said "I'm sorry I can't say the same." (Gosh, I'm so cruel, why did he stick around?). I wanted to say it when I felt it, and I said it about a month later.
7. Who is taller? He is 6' and I am 5'6".
8. Who sings better? He does, by far. E has a fantastic voice, but doesn't often share it. I'm lucky enough to get to hear him sing, and our kitty Mabel is lucky enough (E loves to sing to her), but other than that, nobody gets to hear his beautiful tenor voice.
9. Who is smarter? He is. But I usually disagree with this statement.
10. Who's temper is worse? Mine, I have a hot temper. E stays calm and collected most the time.
11. Who does the laundry? We both hate laundry, so now we have a deal. E puts the dirty clothes into the wash, and switches them over to the dryer, I put the clean clothes away.
12..Who does the dishes? Both of us. We switch off.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, always have.
14. Who pays the bills? Both of us, I pay the mortgage and my car payments, he pays the utilities and his student loan.
15. Who is better with the computer? He is, by far.
16. Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn, but when we get one, we'll probably switch off (I hate thinking certain things are "man jobs" and other things are "women jobs", that's not my way).
17. Who cooks dinner? I usually do, but E is a great chef. If we are grilling, or dutch ovening, E will do all the cooking.
18. Who drives when you are together? Usually him but sometimes I beat him to it, and we take my car.
19. Who pays when you go out? I do most the time.
20. Who is most stubborn? I used to think it was me, but I was wrong, he is, by far.
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Both of us. We actually don't fight often, and when we do, we make up pretty quickly.
22. Whose parents do you see the most? Nowadays, his. His family is more stable, mine is still... Anyway, we see both of our families often.
23. Who kissed who first? Funny story, E and I dated for three months before either of us got up the nerve to kiss. I had kissed before and hated it, so I wasn't in a hurry. E had never kissed before, so he was really nervous. He tried to kiss me a few times, but I hurried into the house and said "goodnight" over my shoulder before he got a chance. Finally one evening I said "we should probably kiss now" and so we did. It wasn't as bad as we were expecting, but it took us awhile to get into it.
24. Who asked who out? We both liked each other, and had gone on a few group outings, but finally he asked me out, he wanted to go ice skating.
25. Who proposed? He did, at sunset in Africa. It was perfect.
26. Who is more sensitive? Hmmm... maybe we are both the same.
27. Who has more friends? About the same, but we only have about five friends total.
28. Who has more siblings? I do, I have two brothers and a sister, he has one brother and one sister.
29. Who wears the pants in the family? I do, I'm the boss. (Poor E).
30. What do you like to do in your free time? Travel, hike, be with family, and snuggle.
What We Need to Hear
2 days ago
What a fun questionnaire! I really love to read other people's responses because you can really learn a lot about someone by their answers. It seems like there wasn't much hesitation when it came to the question about who wears the pants. LOL Maybe that is the reason you two almost never fight/argue. (Because it is already clear that you wear the pants.) :)