I am currently sitting in the library on the grandest ship in the world, the Queen Mary 2. If you are not aware of what this ship looks like, please, do a google search, this ship deserves to be seen.
So far our voyage has been fantastic. Calm seas and blue skys have met us most mornings. The sea has been nice, and I have not had trouble with sea sickness. The ship itself is beautiful, larger than I could ever imagine. From the sea, the ship raises about 13 stories, and is as long as the Empire State Building is tall. Inside there are grand ballrooms, a beautiful spa (ohhh, it is soooo nice) and the most beautiful library. Our room is small and comfortable and the tea service each day is divine.
Before I log off (I'm paying by the minute) I want to post a little exerpt from my travel journal. I wrote this durning tea on Saturday:
E and I are sitting at a beautiful table facing the windows. We are down low in the ship, so we can see the waves and sea outside. The tea is hot and simple, the sandwiches are divine, the scones fantastic, and the desserts great. The servers keep coming around to serve us more and more tea and snacks. The atmoshphere is lovley. White table cloths, live piano off to my right, and the ocean gliding by only feet in front of me. It is deep blue, almost black, and it is churning and turning white on the caps. I sit back, enjoy more tea, and smile as my husband.
What We Need to Hear
2 days ago
It sounds like you two are having a fantastic time. I can't wait until you return and share the rest of your vacation with us. I am sure the pics will be beautiful.