After weeks and weeks of a miserable think inversion that kept us indoors, late this weekend we were gifted with this:
Thick beautiful snow knee deep that cleared the air and left beautiful blue skies behind. FINALLY!
This meant lots of snow play and some nice warm sun streaming into the living room.
Over the weekend, before the inversion cleared, we headed back up the mountains to enjoy the clear air. Last week I was in a funk. E has traveled a lot this year, already, and the thick gray air and unbearably cold temperatures were not good for me. A sick kid, another that decided to not sleep, and gray days, it's no wonder I was in a funk.
But clear mountain air does me good. So good. And then the fresh snow that cleared the air swept away any lingering funk-ness and things are good again!
At the beginning of our walk in the mountains I was carrying Juliet, but when she became to heavy I swapped with E. E carried her all the way back to the car, and cuddled her when she fell asleep on his chest. He didn't want to put her down, and I don't blame him.
I even passed my phone to a stranger in hopes of getting a family photo. Best news? James is smiling! Win!
And then as the storm blew in late Sunday we decided we needed to get out. We'd been home all day and the cabin fever was beginning to creep in. We decided on a very snowy drive downtown for a visit to the Children's Museum and dinner at the Gateway. So fun but so much snow! Thank goodness we made it home safe and sound.
And those ever elusive freckles? I love them. But they sure are hard to get a photo of, until now. And oh my does my boy have beautiful lashes. I am the lucky lady that gets to kiss that face daily.
And that's it, mini update complete! Sorry if you are an IG follower, since all of these photos were also on Instagram. I promise to get out my big camera soon. :)
What We Need to Hear
2 days ago
I remember being the lucky mom who got to kiss his daddy's face. I told him whomever he married was so lucky because then she would get to kiss those soft cheeks! And that lucky lady is you. Now you have three sets of soft cheeks to enjoy kissing!