On my last IG post I vowed to try to get this back to a weekly feature. Yea, that was almost a month ago. So, again, I'm quite behind. Lots of pictures to catch up on.
1. We rolled out butcher paper and painted it for this year's wrapping paper. 2. Gray? No problem. Muddy? No worries. Cold? No biggie. Just digging.
3. This boy of mine gave up his binkie without a tear shed! SO PROUD of him! 4. Baby girl in an outfit that was mine when I was a baby.
5. Lots of cold walks. We stay snuggly warm inside my big puffy coat. 6. After a rough month with James he is back to his sweet self. He gives hugs, says "I love you" and is mostly well behaved.
7. Despite the happy reflection, this bunny was feeling crummy for a lot of the Christmas break. Started with a trip to InstaCare and now we are on antibiotics for an ear infection. 8. White Christmas!
9. Juliet loves my new necklace as much as I do. 10. Another cold day walk to the school yard. It was twenty degrees... brrr....
11. A favorite corner of Juliet's room. 12. Asked for Old Navy Gift cards for Christmas and scored this new yellow wool coat for $9!
13. He is hard to wake from nap time but impossible at bedtime. 14. Zoo lights was butt frosty cold! Twenty two degrees and dark!
15. Family jump. Juliet LOVED it! And James looks huge! 16. Fondue night after the kiddos are in bed on New Years Eve is a favorite tradition. Going to bed at ten is another favorite tradition. ;)
17. We love Juliet's new forest floor rug! Goes so well in her woodland nursery! 18. Post nap rosy cheeks.
19. Lunch and/or day spa mask. 20. Kathleen (Brandon's girlfriend) drew my name for the sibling gift this year. She thought and thought and finally decided on a custom bracelet with my blog name/ IG name and mantra. I adore it.
21. Cold day throwing rocks in the river. 22. Sledding with my cousin Kendra and Aunt Laura ended with hot cocoa and cookies for dipping. Best treat ever when it's nineteen degrees out.
23. Me and my girl. 24. She can't pull up yet, can't crawl, but is happy to stand if I stand her up.
25. Bundled. We still get out even when it's quite cold. 26. Christmas light drive. We turned on Christmas music, saw awesome lights, and Juliet fell asleep. Pretty perfect I'd say.
27. Lovie balancing acts. And this was before the binkie was gone for good! 28. Advent gift one day was a clear Christmas ornament with directions to go on a nature walk and fill it!
29. If I'd realized blowing bubble gum was so hilarious, I would have done it ages ago. 30. Her fierce smile. Since this photo was taken that other top tooth has popped through!
Also, posted a new header today!
What We Need to Hear
2 days ago
Great photos (isn't it awesome that cell phone cameras are so much better?!)! I also love the new header! Happy New Year!