Two or so weeks ago my sister-in-law Chelsea inquired about getting some photos of Emilia. We decided on a morning at Red Butte Garden. Juliet and I were excited to spend James's last day of preschool outside with Emilia and her darling family.
Emilia's Mama and and E are siblings. Even though they are first cousins, they hardly look alike! Emilia has beautiful dark eyes and olive skin.
Juliet was thrilled to spend two hours with her Grandma so I could focus my attention on Emilia. Here she decided to sit and sing a little rendition of "Happy Birthday".
The weather was PERFECT. Cool and breezy in the morning and steadily warming up throughout the morning. Stunning.
We had a hard time getting smiles from Emilia, but near the end realized that if we started singing "Let it Go" from Frozen we'd get huge grins and some clapping!
Baby girls in dresses and beautiful early summer flowers, ah, nothing better.
Chelsea and I both got a kick out of these photos. Apparently the little weed I had her hold didn't taste all that delicious.
What We Need to Hear
2 days ago
What lovely photos, and what a sweet family!!! Maybe it's time to grow your photography hobby, you do such a great job! Happy long weekend!!