Blogging has slowed down again because we keep so busy in the summer. Being outside with the kids in the heat all day means I'm beat at nap time and bedtime (my favorite blogging hours). Instead I just veg around in front of the fan and complain about how hot it is. ;)
Last Sunday my family joined us up at Church Fork for a little birthday BBQ for my Mom. We invited aunts and uncles, cousins and my Grandma. We had a lovely time letting the kids get dirty (oh my gosh they loved the soft dusty dirt), visiting the small waterfall and eating a delicious tinfoil dinner.
The kids were being adorable. Juliet sang everyone all her favorite songs and James was laughing and teasing with his uncles the entire night. And then, right when we finished our last bites of birthday dessert the skies opened up and a downpour begun. Oh what a fun exciting way to end the evening. Love that my family is always up for an adventure.
When eating with your hands, make sure they are nice and clean. Or something...
Uncle Brandon adores these two. He said at one point "let's go on a treasure hunt!" and off they went as happy as can be.
It is harder and harder to get my Grandma out these days. She walks slowly and has a hard time getting to and from the bathroom (which is often) so it's an extra special treat to see her up her beloved Millcreek Canyon AND have my cousin Kendra home. She's been in Chili, Georgetown University and Bangladesh just in the last year. Yea, she's pretty awesome.
What We Need to Hear
1 day ago
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