Sunday, February 08, 2015

Juliet is THREE


Today you are three. What an incredible three years it's been. How in the world do I put into words the love that I have for you? There really is no way to describe the joy and silliness that you bring to every moment, and there is absolutely no way to describe the love we, your family, has for you.

James often times says you are his best friend. And you are. You two do everything together from making forts, making messes and making me crazy. Your love for each other is deep and pure, and you both speak of it often. You ask for James first thing in the morning and play with him with your last bits of energy before bed. For the most part you get along better than most siblings I know. What a special lifelong bond you've built.

Your Daddy, oh your Daddy adores you. You have him wrapped around your little finger, you know. Little girls hold a very special place in their daddy's heart, but I feel like you've won the jackpot with the Daddy of yours. He does and will do anything for you. And those tight hugs around his neck? The ones where you just won't let go? He is in heaven when you give him those big hugs.

And me. Your mommy. We are together all day, every moment, and I still smile when I see you. Crack up at your poses, and laugh that you use the word "otherwise" in your daily conversations. There is not a thing I wouldn't do for you. You are happy, and you have an entire life of happiness ahead of you.

There is nothing really to show you who you are at three, so instead I took a video of you today. As you can see, you are wild. And happy. And silly. And smart. And sweet. You are prefect.
Juliet, my beautiful girl. You are loved. We couldn't be happier that you are ours and us yours.

xoxo sweet girl, and happiest of birthdays,

Your Mommy

*I sign James's letters "Mama" because even at five he still calls me Mama the majority of the time. You, however, haven't ever called me "Mama". You've always been a "Mommy" girl, and it is just so perfect.

And a little look back into the past:

More birthday posts to come!

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