We woke up on Christmas morning to the little red lights on our baby monitor merrily bouncing higher and higher as James made happy baby squeals from his room. E got up and I heard him through the baby monitor say "Merry Christmas" to a very excited boy.
In the living room we turned on the fire, the Christmas tree and some Christmas music. James was quite interested in the fireplace and hardly looked at all the presents that Santa had left. We took down the stocking and he started digging through it. I was excited to get a photo of James with his stocking, since he got a photo near it last year and he was about the same size as his stocking.

Then began the fun of Christmas, unwrapping presents. E got me the sweetest little gnome card (you know I adore gnomes!) and a
HD flip camera for videos of the baby! I got E a fountain pen he's been wanting. James got
Where the Wild Things Are, a rug for his play room (it is so cute!), and some adorable toys.
Then after feeding James a quick breakfast and popping a hash-brown casserole into the oven we loaded him into the car and we were off to our first stop: E's family's house. We were greeted with happy hellos and a room FULL of presents. We opened stockings full of Christmas sweets, fruit, toys and yummy drinks. Santa always leaves the adults alcoholic drinks in their stocking. Perfect? Yes.
Presents induced the sweetest little
rocking moose for James and his very only leather armchair for the living room! E got a new watch and I got the most amazing
Harry Potter book, beautiful
tanzanite earnings and an annual pass to
Utah's Children's museum. Spoiled doesn't even cover it.
Isn't his rocking moose awesome? James loves it and understands how it works already. Also, his little leather wing-back chair? So dang cute.

David, Chelsea and Connie in the sea of presents.

After two hours of incredible present opening we packed up the babe and drove back to our house. James (like a perfect angel) went down for his morning nap without a peep. E's family arrived fifteen minutes later to a hot Christmas breakfast. We made Christmas tea, sat down to an amazing breakfast and laughed all while James slept.
It is so fun to have an excuse to use our fancy china.

David, Steve, Joe, Chelsea, Connie, E and I enjoy a deluxe breakfast. Plus, it was a beautiful sunny day which makes it all the more awesome.

Once James woke up from his two hour nap (angel I tell you) we had my siblings and dad come over. Again we tore wrapping paper, exchanged gifts and laughed about how silly James was being. My dad gave our little family an annual pass to
the zoo! Hello? Best present ever!
And, the day was amazingly warm. We ended up out on the front lawn because it felt like April. Never do I remember a Christmas being so mild.
Sitting in the sun with my Mabel and my boy. And Mabel now thinks the new baby-sized leather chair is hers. She's been in it ever since we brought it home.

After my family left we put the baby in the stroller and decided to walk to the school yard to play on the swings. It was so nice! None of us even had to wear coats. Crazy for December in Utah. Then James rocked his second nap and E and I had a chance to relax (I took a long bath with a good book).
Once he woke we packed up more presents and went to my Mom's house for Christmas dinner. Again, we got some amazing gifts. My Mom and Chuck gave the entire family a trip to
Teton National Park this July (so so excited for this!) and my Grandma gave the entire family a trip to Bryce National Park in February!
Gah, I love my family.
Dinner constituted of the traditional baked pasta shells and peppermint ice-cream pie for dessert. We went home happy, full, tired and spoiled.
It was an amazing day.
E, Kathleen and Brandon enjoy presents at my Mom and Chuck's house.

As always, James is only happy walking around. No sitting and relaxing for this guy.

My mom shows off the calender she created for everyone. This is how she announced the July trip!

And, I have some Christmas videos to share that I took with my new flip cam! I'll upload them later. Until then, James and I are enjoying the fact that E is home all week. Merry merry!