Now, onto Wolfy photos (the last you'll see for maybe 6 months, eep!)-

Here is James's day, in his own words:
- First thing in the morning he yells Mama or Dada or both repeatedly until we go and get him. Upon seeing us he either says "hug" or "sippy" (which is his sippy cup of milk) and then he promptly says "cho cho" which means he's ready to watch his favorite cartoon, Chuggingtion.
- After cartoons, where he directs us to the shows he wants, he'll say "pancake-cake" and "eat" and "food" and "banana" all to indicate he's ready for breakfast. As soon as I place him in his "big boy chair" he'll ask for "bib" and "fork".
- It goes on like this all day. He'll want to visit the "park" or get in the "tub". He'll talk about the "pool" with "huge fallfalls" (waterfalls), and ask to go outside. If I say "do you want to go outside?" he'll say "OK" in the cutest way ever. He almost never says yes, always OK.
- When E arrives home from work he'll tell him all about our day, which friends we saw, if we'd been to Gymboree, and laugh at all the silly ("sitty" which is hilarious in its own right) things he did that day.
- Before bed he'll ask for specific stories and dance to his drum. If E or I move from our regular spots he'll point and direct us back to where we should sit. So funny.
- Once he's in bed he'll yell "Mama, hug!" again and again. Then when we go in he points to all of his blankets on the ground and say "uh oh!" and "no, no, no" since he knows the rules against throwing his blankets out of his crib.
- He has started counting. Today he saw "clocks! three!" and sure enough, there were three!
- He knows all of his colors and says them quite enthusiastically and loudly.
- Love circles and says "sir-cle" whenever he sees one.
- Will ask for "nap" or "crib" by noon and happily takes a nap. The last few weeks bedtime has become more of a struggle.
- Calls his Lovie "Sofie" and will ask for him whenever he's sad or tired.
- Will say "go please" in the car every time I stop at a red light. And then when I go he says "fast! zoom!"
- When he's frustrated and something isn't working for him (like his toys won't fit together) he'll say "uh oh" over and over at increasing speed before throwing a fit.
- Loves that it is getting dark earlier in the evening. He'll say "ark" (dark) over and over and point out all the lights that are on. He also loves looking for the stars and moon.
- He has started saying "fun" when we are doing something he likes. He'll be playing at the park or reading books with me, and he'll look up at me and say "fun!". It melts me into a puddle of cuteness.
And from month 1 until now:

wow!! James is 2!!