Sleep: Better for a few nights and now not so hot again. Some nights I can't fall asleep, others I wake up in the early morning (around 3:00) and am up for a few hours before drifting off again.
Movement: Oh yes.
Size of Baby: Over 15" long and 2.5 lbs!
Pregnancy Symptoms: Oh my. Heartburn is ok due to new meds but everything else is bad.
Food Cravings: Nothing specific, Thanksgiving dinner rocked my world this week.
What I miss: Being able to easily play and sit on the floor with my little man. Not easy nor comfortable.
What I am looking forward to: More Thanksgiving eating at my Mom's tomorrow. Also, we are working on getting James's "big boy room" finished. It has hardly begun, but exciting nonetheless.
Weekly Wisdom: I have a 2 year old! Wisdom from that? Oh yes, teaches me every day patience.
Best moment this week: Thanksgiving day pretty much rocked. Still need to blog about the entire day.
Milestones: Now that we are past Thanksgiving and working towards Christmas, I can hardly believe how close February feels.
The day after James's birthday party he wanted to "cook". What else is new?! He made a huge mess of the counter, his jammies and everything around him. The digger had to be involved, of course. ;)

He is so cute with that digger!