Sleep: Horrible this week. Last night was the only passable night. I'm starting to remember what the term pregnancy insomnia means, I had it horribly with James too.
Movement: She's kicking me right now as a matter of fact. :)
Weight Gain: Went to the doc just this morning an I'm up 15 lbs.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Pelvic pressure, heartburn (bad enough now I'm on some stronger meds), extreme exhaustion, sciatic nerve pain, insomnia.
Food Cravings: Nothing notable this week although I've eaten a lot of Mexican food.
What I miss: MY HUSBAND! In one short hour he will be home from his LAST international trip this season. He's been gone since Saturday and although I haven't felt weepy this week (thank god!) I sure do miss him. As does my little kiddo.
What I am looking forward to: Hugging E. Seeing James hug Dada. We've missed him a lot. Also, tomorrow we celebrate James's second birthday! Holy Moly! So excited. And Thanksgiving!!!! James turns 2 on Thanksgiving day and I'm super excited for lots of quality family time.
Weekly Wisdom: My boy is a very good boy. I adore the little kid.
Best moment this week: I will say it hasn't yet come. Seeing E in just an hour wins out.
Milestones: Third trimester baby!
Photos of the week (all three are from my cell phone):
Above: best moment of every day is talking to Dada via Skype. E has had an amazing trip in Paris but is so ready to be home. James misses him like crazy when he's away and will get super close to the computer screen when we talk trying to give snuggles. Sweetest thing you'll ever see.
One day (maybe Tuesday?) I went on a playdate with my friend Andra who has twins that are James's age. All three boys found the diggers at the park absolutely fascinating. I love James's super rosy cheeks. It was cold!
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