Sleep: One night was horrible but most others have been ok. I'm getting up a lot to pee again, which is not fun.
Belly button in or out: Still in, but every day it is more flat. Looking at my pregnancy quizzes from James's pregnancy, it looks like my belly button popped out at 36 weeks.
Movement: Yes yes yes. Still gentle enough to not cause much distress, I always smile.
Pregnancy Symptoms: Pelvic pressure is killing me. Also I'm exhausted. Last night I called it a night at 8:00pm and was asleep by 9:00. Felt awesome but today I was just as tired as ever. Also, I've got to pee almost every two hours.
Food Cravings: Asian food has taken over my life. We found a new Chinese takeout place this week that both E and I loved.
What I miss: Not getting up a million times a night, not needing to go to the bathroom a ton 24 hours a day.
What I am looking forward to: Today the weather changed from chilly autumn to windy winter. I made slow cooker chili and looked forward to it all day for dinner. It did not disappoint. (Here is the recipe, we use our crock pot and cooked for 6 hours on high. Seriously, bet chili you'll EVER have).
Weekly Wisdom: Staying indoors more this winter is going to be really really hard.
Best moment this week:Halloween. Weather was awesome and my little engineer had such a fun time.
Milestones: I'm closer to 30 weeks than I am to 20. Also, only two more weeks until my third trimester!
And above: As always, James and I have been enjoying any hint of sun this week even if the temperatures were in the forties. One morning we met a couple of friends at Crestwood Park (one of my all-time-favorites) and walked around. The photo I snapped with my phone just speaks November to me. Most the leaves are down, the little boy in a coat and hat, and the last days of sun ready to be enjoyed.
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