For the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy I'm going to post this little questionnaire once a week. It is so easy to forget how things quickly change over the weeks, so here we go:
How far along? 36 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Just got weighed. Gained 0.02 lbs since my last appointment. Up 25 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Heck yes.
Sleep: Sucks. Sleep pretty well at night other than two things that continue to wake me: being thirsty or having to pee. And this morning I woke because my heartburn was killing me!
Movement: Yes. Seems like whenever I talk about him he gives me a especially hard kick.
Labor Signs: Saw the doc and she said I am 1cm dilated and 40% effaced. This is all totally normal at 36 weeks, but it means that my body is moving towards giving birth. Yikes!
Pregnancy Symptoms: This week its all about heartburn heartburn heartburn. And not wanting to move, at all.
Food Cravings: The OJ is now giving me heartburn, as is the fruit. :( So now I'm just longing for those items and eating crackers.
Belly Button in or out? Yep, I think I popped. My belly button is saying this turkey is done, just like those weird turkey temperature things, when they pop, turkey comes out of the oven. Too bad I still have a four week bake.
What I miss: Sleep, alcohol, and feeling like I can move.
What I am looking forward to: The crib arrives next week! Can't wait to see the nursery in all its finished glory!
Weekly Wisdom: Tums can only do so much.
Best moment this week: Getting the tree on the wall in the nursery. I honestly go in there three to ten times a day just to admire how cute it is.
Milestones: This is the last week of my pregnancy I'm considered pre-term. Next week I'll be full term, which is really really scary!
What We Need to Hear
2 days ago
I laughed so hard about the turkey timer that coffee came out of my nose! Thanks for that one!
ReplyDeleteHahaa! Glad I could cheer up your morning.
ReplyDeleteOh man! You are so close. I was induced (thank God) at 38 weeks. You are SOOOOOO lucky that you have only gained 25 pounds. I gained about 55 lbs. and I wasn't eating a batch of brownies everyday. So the good news is, you are probably going to lose the baby weight not long after delivering. From the pictures, your tummy looks so cute.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see the final pics of the nursery that you admire so much each day! ;)
ReplyDeleteI want to get induced at 38 weeks! My doc says she won't induce until week 41. Oh dear...