Oh my gosh, I'm going to be a mother, in a little over a month... I'm scared, nervous, excited, scared, and really really scared.
Here is an update:
How far along? 35 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure. I don't ever seem to remember, Maybe up 26 lbs?
Maternity clothes? Oh yea. There is no hope fitting in regular stuff anymore.
Sleep: Not that fun. Rolling over is really really tough and I can no longer sleep on my back. I need to position a pillow under my tummy too, so it is quite tricky. This is all in addition to getting up four + times a night to pee and or drink a huge glass of water (which leads to more peeing).
Movement: Yes. This man likes to jiggle, kick, stretches and cause general discomfort for his Mama-to-be
Labor Signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, but that is not real labor, right?
Pregnancy Symptoms: Pretty much everything you can think of. If it is related to pregnancy, I've got it. However, I'm still lucky enough to not have much moodiness! This makes me very very happy because I hate feeling weepy. It is just not me.
Food Cravings: Oh yes! Fruit fruit and more fruit. Also, OJ, which I guess is kinda a fruit too. I can go through a carton of OJ every two days.
Belly Button in or out? Almost out. One day it is just going to pop. But not yet.
What I miss: Sleeping like a normal person. Not eating like a gorilla at all times (in the last three days I've gone through five pounds of grapes!), being able to bend over, and being able to put my socks on.
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery soon. And not being pregnant anymore. And finally being a mom. :)
Weekly Wisdom: Cold weather feels good. I'm in my groove when the house is in the low 60s. If you come to visit me, bring a sweater.
Best moment this week: Having E return home from his trip to Japan (again!) and having him home for awhile now. Also, having all my travels behind me. Although I love to travel, traveling 8 months pregnant isn't that fun.
Milestones: 35 weeks down, 35 days to go...
What We Need to Hear
2 days ago
Oh, the last month! I remember that month to be sooooo long! And I can remember all the things you mentioned. Scared, normal, but you will be fine and I just know you are going to be a wonderful mother. It brings a smile to my face just thinking about babies. I can still vividly seeing my son in the nursery with the twins, just after their births. He was holding both of them, so natural, like he'd been doing it all his life.
ReplyDeleteJessica, I so remember freezing out everyone in the house, then the moment my daughter was born, I was contantly turning up the heat!
Hang in there, and I can't wait to see all the beautiful photos to come. (ps. always love your photos!)
I feel for you Jess! The worst thing my entire pregnancy was that last month. This post really brings back those memories. I am thinking about you and hope that your little guy arrives a little early. :)
ReplyDeleteAre you working on that nursery! Please post photos! I can't wait! :)