My sister-in-law Chelsea is getting married next June and decided it would be fun to have a Halloween bridal shower. Connie and Chelsea have always loved Halloween, and as the date moved closer they decided a lingerie shower would be quite fun.
On Friday night E and I headed over to his family's house. He was asked to come along as the bar tender, and was very embarrassed by the fact that his little sister would be receiving lingerie, but agreed to bar tend. The house looked fantastic, all decorated and spooky for the party, and the food and treats looked divine as well. E made guests "
Slime Rickies" and Black Cats, which were raspberry vodka and cranberry juice.
The house looked awesome, and quite spooky!

The party got started with some silly Halloween games, chatting, eating, and then ended with presents and tarot card readings! Everyone got Chelsea really really cute items. Bras and panties, and tons of silly and embarrassing things. The night was a huge success, and Chelsea headed home with all sorts of fun goodies that she claims will be saved for the honeymoon.
Bride-to-be, Chelsea, aka Rainbow
Brite had an awesome time.

Only a few presents make Chelsea blush. Glad I caught it on camera!

The amazing food. Notice the witch's hats and brooms. Yum!
Could you e-mail me all the pics? I was having too much fun and didn't take any of my own. :)