Monday, April 29, 2013

This girl and her babies

Over the last two weeks or so this baby girl has decided that she loves her babies. They have become her favorite toy. She give them bottles, kisses, shakes, and some pretty dang sweet loves.

Another favorite toy is the darling wooden stroller my Mother-in-Law got us a few weeks ago. It is so well made Juliet loves to sit in it, and really has gotten a lot better at walking by pushing it around.

Today she collected all her babies, got her stroller, and proceeded to climb in.

After I helped her get her comfortable she hugged her babies close and started to kiss them. It was so darling I couldn't help but grab my camera.

Gosh this girl is amazing.

And a little video I was lucky enough to get on my phone.

Side note: it's been a long time since I tagged a blog post dolls. It feels good to get that tag out of retirement.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Today was unbelievably glorious

Last year we didn't make it to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point. We had a warm spring and by the time Mother's Day was upon us (when we usually went), the tulips were gone.

Never would I make that mistake again. Thanksgiving Point's tulip festival is one of my favorite things ever forever and always.
And after a chilly spring, the weather turned DIVINE over the last few days and we broke out the shorts for the first time.
And the vintage dresses.
This photo? Straight off the camera. I almost decreased the saturation because with the full sun, it was just so bright! But how could I? I looked magical in person.
James spotted the hillside of color and said "look at that beautiful rainbow!"
Juliet practiced her standing.
And her walking.

James was just as obsessed with this bridge as the last time we were here (and I just realized he's wearing the same shorts both times!).
I think a professional photographer was using this tiny bench as a prop, and left it behind for a moment. Ha! I spotted it faster than an owl spots a mouse.
We quickly plunked both kiddos on the tiny bench and Daddy got right to work getting them to smile.

I really really love tulips. Even more photos below.
Every year I say the same thing, it looked like a fairytale. Magical.

Happy spring!
And in case you forgot what we are here to see, Juliet will remind you. "Dat!"

Juliet's outfit details -
Dress - vintage, and Etsy find when I was pregnant.
Bonnet - Janie & Jack
Bloomers - Gap, hand-me-down
Shoes - StrideRite, hand-me-down

Monday, April 22, 2013

Home from Las Vegas!

E travels to Vegas a lot for work. So when he mentioned a couple of months ago that he'd have a trip at the end of April, and would I like to extend it to include a weekend, to make it a mini vacation, I said yes. Yes yes yes!

As our weekend approached we got more and more excited. We were leaving cold rain/snow at home and heading to sunny Las Vegas. I was most excited about the food, E was most excited about taking James on a jet, and I think the kiddos were most excited about the pool.

So excited that nobody napped the first day (much to our dismay). We just had to check out the pool!
Playing in the sun, outside, in the pool after such a long cold winter felt a bit like a dream.
We stayed for well over three hours. Juliet was loving it and James was beside himself with excitement.
The next day we did a pool trip in the morning and it was so much nicer. Way less crowded and there were even seats to be found! Then after naps (where everyone slept!) we headed to Bellagio for their fountain show. We knew James would LOVE it.

I'm actually not a huge fan of Vegas (the crowds, the lack of natural places, the smoke... I could go on and on), but Bellagio is beautiful. So much nicer than all the other themed hotels. Waiting for the fountain show actually reminded me quite a bit of visiting the lake district in Italy on our honeymoon.

(side note: check out those long curls!)
The fountain show started and it was everything that our fountain obsessed boy could hope for. Plus, when the really big jets of water shot up, there was a cannon-like boom which scared Juliet quite a bit but excited James to no end.
Inside the Bellagio I was obsessing over the floors. How could I not?
Then we spotted the themed garden at the Bellagio. I remember I literally gasped. Oh my goodness! The theme was a Holland Spring, and it was breathtaking.

I could not spot photographing the perfect flowers.
This photo is not staged. He leaned over to smell the "beautiful orange flowers" and I was lucky enough to snap this.
Every color of the rainbow.
Really, I couldn't get enough of the floors. Spy the humming bird?
And the chocolate fountain mesmerized James.
Pretty soon we got tired of the crowds and escaped outside to enjoy the beautiful lawns. We were the only ones there, which was a plus!
My darling boy.
On our last afternoon (after another trip to the Bellagio, because I just had to see the gardens again), we stopped at the aquarium at Madalay Bay. I wasn't expecting much but was happily surprised. The entire aquarium was amazing. Juliet did some walking practice.
But we all know she's faster with her speedy crawl.
There were two separate shark tunnels. The light was so dim the photos don't do it justice. It was so neat!
Image below from Mandalay Bay's website.
So unreal.
Our hotel lobby was so fancy.
Possibly my favorite photo from the trip, and it was taken with my iPhone! I love red poppies.
Hurray for successful family trips!
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