My good friend Ashley has tagged me. What does that mean? I need to fill out a survey on my blog that she filled out on hers, and I need to tag a few new people. So, Chelsea, Naina and Erin, you've been tagged!
I Am...
a woman on a mission to travel far and wide.
I Want...
to explore the entire world. I want to see and meet people and expand my horizons. I also want to be a Mom one day.
I Have...
the most wonderful caring husband ever.
I Wish...
I could work less and travel more.
I Hate...
when I'm trying to lose weight and I'm starving (like right now, I'm dreaming of gnocchi)
I Fear...
cancer. Yep, I'm one of those people that am always worried I'm going to be struck down by some horrid illness that will kill me, or the ones I love.
I Hear...
my husband humming, singing, or snoring ;) (sorry baby)
I Search...
eBay for new things I've never knew existed. My newest find is a Japanese toy company that makes tiny tiny toys, they are called Re-ment
I Wonder...
why the world is so beautiful. It constantly surprises me at the sheer beauty of it all.
I Regret...
Not getting my mom a Jamba Juice after a surgery. This was about ten years ago, but I still feel bad about it.
I Love...
my three kitties and my dolls.
I Ache...
after a hard workout. My butt is still feeling the spinning class I did the other day.
I Always...
think about how lucky I am. I have everything anybody could ever ask for (one day I'll add a baby to this list)
I Usually...
am found daydreaming about my dolls.
I Am Not...
one to take other's hardships lightly.
I Dance...
to commercials and jingles in the morning while getting dressed.
I Sing...
in the car on the way home from work to the oldies station
I Never...
take life for granted
I Rarely...
am excited about going to the gym (but I do like to hike, bike, and exercise outdoors though)
I Cry...
when I finish a good book. I always ball like a baby.
I Am Not Always...
clean.... LOL! (Sorry, I don't like to wash my hair much!)
I Lose...
thing often. Usually I have to call on my "Finder Man" (E) to help me locate what I've lost.
I'm Confused...
when I look at my statement from my financial planner. I wish I was better at finances.
I Need...
water, shelter, food, and love. Humans don't "need" much else. I try to remember that when I'm longing for my next doll purchase.
I Should...
wash my hair tonight.
What We Need to Hear
1 day ago