Picking out my daughter's first Easter dress has been such a fun challenge. I looked in all my favorite stores, on Etsy, and on eBay for months. I wanted to find something beautiful. Better than beautiful, it needed to be perfect. I finally found it! After three months of searching I found the dress on eBay. The sweater added just the perfect warmth, and the shoes are vintage from when Melissa (my sister) was a babe.
But enough about the dress. Let's talk about the girl.
Juliet has gone from a needy newborn to an easy baby in the last month! We had our trickiest time about two weeks ago when all she wanted to do was cry, but since then she has been a breeze. Seriously, easy peasy! She no longer needs to be held all the time (no more wearing the baby sling!) and will happily sit in her bouncer for long enough for me to eat a meal or take care of James.
She sleeps on and off through the day (no super long naps but cat naps) with no real schedule. At night however this girl is a rock star. She goes to sleep around 9:00 pm and most nights doesn't wake up until close to 5:00 am for her first feeding!! Holy cow, she is amazing.
Now onto likes and dislikes.
She LOVES her brother and her Daddy, saving most her smiles for the two of them. Mama has to work for smiles, but Daddy and James seem to get them just by being in the room.
She loves being outside in the sunshine. She naps well in the stroller and is generally happy and fuss free if we are out.
She likes her binky (thank the lord!) and this saves me in the car or if I need a few minutes to take care of her big brother.
Likes when you baby talk to her. When she says "ah goo" a sure way to get a smile is to ah goo back to her.
Loves baths with Mama
Adores Mama's boobs (still her favorite)
Getting her clothes changed, specifically getting a onsie pulled on or off over her head.
Getting in the car or being strapped into the carseat. Oh she hates that.
Waiting for Mama when she wants milk
Oh I love this snuggle bunny.

Outfit details:
Dress - Found on eBay
Sweater - Old Navy
Shoes - Vintage
Headband - Etsy
And from 1 month until now:

She is such a doll. Happy to hear things are better and that she is sleeping through the night, that is awesome.