The last week around these parts has been so summery. Record breaking heat for late April means we've been breaking out our summer clothes and wearing shorts each day.
Here is my week in Instagram photos:
Oh those lips.
Cheeks. Oh my goodness. Reminds me so much of this photo of James.
We took Juliet to the zoo for the first time last weekend. James has never shown much interest in the carrousel until now, he asked to go on it and picked the tiger to ride. He loved it and said "more please!" when it stopped.
This little girl didn't see much of the zoo, sleeping 90% of the time in her stroller.
The record breaking heat meant that we were willing to strip James down to only his shirt and diaper for a romp in the river.
Those chubby baby legs. I'm loving the little bloomers that baby girls can wear, so adorable.
We still take a walk most days. The highlight for James has to be throwing rocks into the ditch up the road.
Miss Blue Eyes. Shortly after I took this photo James said "pretty bow on Juliet."
He's obsessed with the Cars movie right now. Seemed only fitting to get him Lightning McQueen and Mater toys.
He says "favorite tree! Like it so much!" Yep, he still loves trees.
What We Need to Hear
1 day ago
How did we miss all the gorgeous weather! Not fair! I felt like I was freezing half the time we were in UT, and then we came home to a chilly NYC as well. Lame.