What the heck are these alien looking fruits anyway? Well according to Wiki they are native to the region from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran to the Himalayas in northern India and has been cultivated and naturalized over the whole Mediterranean region.

Once you are home with your new treasure, how do you go about eating such a fruit? My favorite way to serve a pomegranate is to score it with a knife and break the fruit open, the seeds (which is what you eat) are separated from the skin and pith. The easiest way to do this is by performing this task in a bowl of water, whereby the seeds will sink and the white structures will float to the top. Then I drain the water, chill (because pomegranate is best served cold) and enjoy!!
One last step? Don't share with your husband who doesn't appreciate the glory of the pomegranate ;).
Thanks to Google Images for all the awesome photos.
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