10. Christmas Music- I am a total sucker for Christmas music. Once Thanksgiving comes and goes, I’m in Christmas music heaven. I love The Carpenters, Neil Diamond and many others. I can’t wait to start singing along once again! True true true! Still the same as today!
9. Fondue- Every year on New Years Eve we have a huge fondue dinner with my family. Crunchy bread, broccoli, and bell peppers all dipped into a cheesy goodness makes for a great night. This tradition stopped after my parents divorce. I'm not sure what we'll do this year for New Years, but it won't be a fondue party with my entire family.

7. Christmas Breakfast- Each year on Christmas morning we have this hash brown casserole thing that I refer to at “Christmas breakfast.” It includes hash browns in a sour cream white sauce with ham and baked eggs on top. It always tastes wonderful. Last year was the first year E and I did Christmas morning on our own. We made Christmas breakfast at home, and it was just the two of us. I plan to do the same this year, but maybe make it not as rushed. Last year we were rushing to get to E's house, but it made our own Christmas feel too rushed, this year I might slow down just a bit (sorry Chelsea!)
6. Snow! I love the first snow fall of the season, and it always gets me in the mood for the holidays. I love being in the warm house when big fat flakes are falling outside, and I also love being outside. Sledding, skiing, snowshoeing or just romping around in fresh powder is magical. Yes! It is true! This year we haven't seen snow yet, but I hope it is coming soon.

4. Presents- I love that Christmas time is the time for giving. I have fun planning my gifts and making sure I have just the right thing for everyone I love. I also like being in the stores around Christmas time, there is such excitement in the air. And wrapping all the presents I’ve purchased and putting them under the tree can’t be missed. (And I love opening my presents on Christmas morning!) Yep! I've already begun my Christmas shopping. I can't wait to purchase more so that there is a heap of gifts under our tree!

2. Christmas Eve- My second favorite thing about the season has to be the Christmas Eve party my grandparents throw each year. All the excitement for the next day is building, the food is spectacular, and it’s so fun to dress up! Everyone is so happy to be together, and we all have a wonderful time. This is my absolute favorite Christmas tradition, but last year was the first in memory that our Christmas Eve party didn't happen. Grandpa was so sick. This year we won't do the party either. Last year's Christmas was so difficult for my Grandma, she is traveling this year for Christmas. Two years in a row without the Christmas Eve party. Maybe next year it will come back.
1. Family- The thing I love most about the holidays is that is about family. It means so much to me being with the people I love that all the other stuff is just an add on. Being with my fiancé, parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, and aunts and uncles makes me truly thankful for the season. This is still true. My Grandpa is no longer with us, and my Grandma won't be around this year. Also, my parents are divorced so being all together is a thing of the past. However, that doesn't make my relationship with each person less special.
Thanks to Martha Stewart and Google Images for the very fine Christmasy photos!
Great Idea for a post.