Ten. Ten. I still can't say it. When people as how old he is, I'm still saying "nine and a half" because ten months might as well be a year, and how can my baby be a year already?
James has been fantastic this month. He's enjoying finger foods more and more with his favorites still being fruit fruit and more fruit. Cottage cheese is also up there in his "must have" list, as well as avocado.
My little man is still sleeping through the night (my god this is wonderful!), but in the last month woke up quite a few times crying really really hard at about 9:30 pm. No idea why. A snuggle and some baby Tylenol seemed to help though.
James is no longer content to sit and by all means,
never ever lie him down if it is not bed time. Oh no. This child must be walking with help or standing at all times. The days of being able to diaper a baby without a huge screaming fit have past, because as you well know, you must lie down for diaper changes. I have yet to master the standing up diaper change, but I'm getting a lot of practice.
Because of the walking milestone approaching at lightning speed, James has been a touch more fussy the last week or so, but nothing I can't handle. Like I said, as long as he's "walking" life is good. Dare you let him practice crawling (by lying him down) you'll hear about it. I think this kid is going to skip crawling altogether.
Now onto Wolfy photos!
"Why hello Wolfy, I haven't seen you for a month!"

"Scratch scratch scratch behind the ear, just where you like it"

Biggest bestest boy.

And after the photo shoot he was more than happy to stand up on the couch.

Then... only moments after taking the photos above I sat him on the floor so I could put his shoes on. He threw a fit. So I grabbed my camera. I'm such a meanie.

In the last photo doesn't it look like he is saying "wait, you're laughing at me?"