I'm getting ahead of myself.
The weekend started like all farmhouse weekend should start. At The Little Acorn. This fast food joint in Spanish Fork Canyon (not far from the windmills) is my favorite. But I don't think we've ever stopped with James. On Sunday I really wanted to stop, because their signature sandwich, The Shadow fighter, along with a huge pile of fries, was calling my name.

You would never know he'd been sobbing fifteen minutes earlier.

I wanted to re-create some of the barn photos we got with James when he was only 3.5 months old. He was not happy that I was holding him and wanted down.
Dinner was a glorious affair. E made everyone's favorite: Dutch Oven Hungarian Goulash. Everyone licked their plates clean. Everyone expect James who would not touch it. Also? It is so awesome when everyone in E's family gathers at the farmhouse. So awesome.
And then for dessert? Peach cobbler. Perfect divine amazing peach cobbler. This, not surprisingly, James loved.
One stressful bedtime later the baby was asleep. Finally. I hate stressful sleep days. Just hate them. (Why am I so anxious about this? No idea.) I digress. Once the babe was asleep I took my camera outside to catch the most beautiful light of the day. Stunning.

I found an entire bird shell. Baby bird left two perfect pieces for me to photograph. :)

The plowed fields are magical.
My man.
Amazing news? James slept from 8:00 in the evening until 7:45 the next morning. Amazing. Guess I didn't need to get so worried. First thing we did the next morning was to take another walk before it got hot. This meant James was still in his jammies, which is perfect for a morning walk.

Back down to the barn.
My sweet kid.
Shortly after we packed up and headed home. James fell asleep in the car! This is amazing because it has never happened, even on longer car trips. AND, when we got home, I made a successful car nap/crib nap transfer (any other moms out there know this is nearly an impossible feat). Two miracles in one day? I'll take it!

Back down to the barn.