Thursday, March 08, 2012

Letter to Juliet: one month

Juliet, my sweet little girl. One month ago, at this time, I was still pregnant. My heavy hard belly contracting every ten or so minutes, reminding me again and again that you would soon join our family.

That night was a whirlwind. At 6:00 pm I sat with your daddy and James having a hamburger for dinner and only hours later you were placed on my chest for the first time. Oh my, I will never ever forget that night. You were finally here, my daughter. And I was so so in love with you.

I told you right then that I love you. I told you happy birthday. And then we looked at each other, for a long time. You, with your wide little eyes, me with tears clouding my vision.

Over the last month my love for you has grown ten-fold. You are an amazing little girl already. You are a snuggle bunny. You love your brother and boy oh boy does he adore you.

I can't wait to see you grow. I can't wait to show you the world. I can hardly wait to one day play dolls with you and make fairy houses. But I don't want to rush away the right now. You are tiny, and perfect, and wonderful, and you'll only be a newborn for a fleeting moment. And oh I just love it.

I love you my sweet Juliet. Forever and ever.

- Mama


  1. those big beautiful eyes make me smile so big!! she really is a beauty :)

  2. Great shots of our little snuggler!

  3. Anonymous11:08 AM

    So precious!


Lovely thoughts:

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