March, in my mind is the beginning of spring. The long dark cold winter is finally behind us, and we have flowers and Easter eggs and pastel sweaters to look forward to.
March (and April and even May) in Utah means huge weather fluctuations. This week we had snow one night with brilliant blue skies the next day, and today is positively balmy at 50 degrees and sun!
James was thrilled to look outside on the day we had snow. "Walk? Go? Ready!" he said as he stood there in his jammies with a huge grin on his face. "You want to go on a walk today?" I asked. "Ok!" he responded in the most adorable way (E and I talk about his cute "okays!" all the time).
I was a bit hesitant, in reality. It was a work day and I was alone with the kiddos. Taking James out in the snow alone is a huge task, much less getting him dressed for the snow. But he was so happy, so cheerful at the thought we'd go out, I just couldn't say no. So I bundled him up and tied the baby sling around myself hoping Juliet would give me an hour of sleep.
We were out the door before ten am and although the temperature was quite cold, me and my snuggley little girl were just fine bundled in my coat.

And it was worth the trouble. The skis were jewel toned and Juliet stayed mostly happy
(I did end up nursing her on this outing, but it was much easier without the stroller).

James tromped through the deep snow like the best of them.

And then the weather turned and suddenly it felt like spring. Fifty degrees and sunny. The snow was melting fast and James was begging E and I to take him to the park this morning. So we piled into the car and went to Murray Park to visit our
favorite tree. The grass was just beginning to turn green and the smell of sun was in the air.

E has been taking James out on weekend adventures since Juliet's birth, leaving me and the baby at home to snuggle. Today was the first time joining the two of them. Glad I did.

Green things growing makes me happy.

And this little girl stayed asleep in her stroller the entire time.

PS - spring header coming. Let's hope this week.
Cute photos. I recognize that quilt.