Friday, May 24, 2013

Today he is three and a half

Today was prefect according to any three and a half year old. Daddy stayed home from work and the day started with watching Cars and playing iPad. We went to one of our favorite parks prepared to play only to discover the splash pad was turned on. It was far too chilly, but the look of hope and happiness on his face convinced me to say yes. He was freezing ten minutes later but oh so happy.

He took a long nap next to his Daddy (their new favorite weekend tradition) and this afternoon we took a little portable BBQ to another favorite park and had dinner lakeside. We finished off the evening with a trip to get ice cream, because you don't turn three and a half everyday.
This boy is pretty damn sweet. Yes, we have our rough moments. Our rough days, our rough weeks, but he's sweet an amazing and wonderful. The other day at the park Aunt Melissa brought three candies for each kid, but not for Juliet, because they were big hard candies. James noticed Juliet didn't have any and spent the next ten minutes biting off tiny pieces of one of his treasured three candies and feeding it to his sister.

He has been nicer to the kitties (a struggle we always have come winter because when three year olds are bored, chasing the kitties is quite fun), amazing with his sister, and pretty awesome with his friends as well. Some days are harder for him than others, but overall he gets a sticker on his "Don't be aggressive sticker chart" almost every night.
He's a big kid, wearing size 8 or 9 shoes, 3T pants, and 4T shirts (this yellow one is 5T!). He knows all his letters and numbers, loves to count everything in sight and eats pretty well. His favorite foods still include fruit fruit fruit and quesadillas.

I watched a youtube video not long ago (so wish I had bookmarked it!) that talked about the mundane and repetitive behavior of motherhood. Each day I help him get dressed, I take him for walks, I cut up his lunch just so, I put him down for a nap. Every single day, 365 a year. But one day, in what will feel like a blink, he won't need me to tuck him in, to buckle his shoes, to zip up his jacket.

One day too soon I won't even remember how he liked his quesadilla cooked (22 seconds in the microwave) and how in liked it cut into little squares. I try to remember this when he's driving my up the wall or has had to be asked one too many times to please follow me to the car, it's time to leave the park.

{Now I'm sobbing.}

I love this boy more than I ever ever ever thought I could love.

Now, before I turn into a real crying mess, I'm going to post a HUGE list of funny things James has said over the last six months. I try to always make a note on my phone when he makes me laugh, but I've been horrible about transferring his silly conversations to the blog. Please don't feel like you need to read this entire list, it is mostly here just to document it for future use (like when I'm 65, and lonely and missing my three year old child more than life itself, because by then he'll be 35 and won't need me to pull up his pants after he pees. Wahhh!)
  • I saw a wolf on our walk! I was worried about it! (After seeing wolves at the zoo, and then seeing a husky at the park)
  • I want to go all around luke! (loop) 
  • It looks gorgeous outside (in Boston accent) 
  • After a big wet burb "that was delicious
  • "Step on it people!" While we were in the car. 
  • I went to the park. I had my best behavior.
  • You're a good daddy dada! 
  • I'm working with the fire. I'm really careful with it over here. I'm making a big hot dog over here! 
  •  Those were delicious trick or treats! 
  • It's mom-ME sweet girl! Not mom! (After teasing him that he needs to call me Mommy forever, never Mom, so he was correcting Juliet who can't really say anything but "Mama")
  • Your the best mommy! I need a hug! 
  • I'm making a new video on Facebook. 
  • I'm a good boy I bet! 
  • Wow! Look at that TOTALY beautiful view! 
  • I know all the people I love, like mommy and daddy. 
  • Owen is my sister! He's my favorite! (A friend, obviously not his sister).
  • I'm so happy your home daddy! I miss you when you're at work. It's the weekend! You didn't give me a kiss yet! On the lips. And a hug! A big hug! 
  • My bladder is humongous. 
  • How about a jump hug? 
  • This is a big hill! My cars getting a workout (when we drove up a big hill).
  • When I was wearing a hat he told me "you look like a lady
  • Wolfy is waiting for me and he says "where's my James?" 
  • There's a baby growing in Grandpa Chuck's tummy! 
  • I'm starving for Zion Canyon! 
  • After wetting the bed he told E "It will dry, just like my tears
  • Look at my face. It's not crying (he actually tells me this a lot).
  • James: That's true like a hammer! Me: Where'd you learn that? James: I got it at Costco! You remember! 
  • I want a lawn mower from the Easter bunny! He's my snuggly friend! 
  • I love you in the whole world.
  • Don't put her to sleep. I love her! (when taking Juliet out of the tub).
  • E asking him "Want to be a park ranger?" James: "Maybe I can be a deer!" 
  • My belly button says I'd like a chocolate almond please! 
  • That's perfect. Perfect like you mama. 
  • I saw it with my sweet little shining eyes.
  • Every night he snuggles all sorts of stuffed animals, but the most important are his twin lovies, that he named himself "Jack and Lacen"

1 comment:

  1. Connie3:47 PM

    I still love it when I try to kiss him and he tells me, "Kissing me is like kissing a dinosaur, I'm hard!" Cracks me up every time!


Lovely thoughts:

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