Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The best part of my day

I love mornings. Love them. Not only does James sleep in like a champ (most mornings until 10 am!) but he wakes up in the best mood. Most mornings I just keep an eye on him and when he opens his eyes, he's awake. No crying. I don't know how I got such a good natured little guy.

My favorite part of the day comes next: unswaddeling the babe. Each night before bed I swaddle him, wrap him up tightly and lay him down for the night. He does great, sleeping for hours. But in the morning, nothing feels better than getting out of his swaddle. Instantly he stretches his arms high above his head and grins and grins. It is adorable.

1- Swaddled babe. So sweet. Love those blue eyes.
2- Ahhh! Half undone! Boy does it feel good to stretch those baby arms! (This photo totally cracks me up, the look on his face!)
3- Yea! No more swaddle! I can move!

Yawns, grins, and lots of talking.

Ready for what's next: diaper change!


  1. I LOVE the look with your caption of "Ready for the diaper change!" He is so funny - I can hear this voice say, "Who, me?!" He looks so shocked! Hee hee....

  2. Stacey9:54 AM

    So cute!

  3. He is the cutest! Keep the pics coming

  4. Awwww, cuteness!!! He is such an expressive baby.

  5. I love how you took pictures of him being un-swaddled. How creative! The look on his face is the best!


Lovely thoughts:

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