I have so much to be thankful for. And Thanksgiving day wrapped up all the things I love and deposited it into a perfect day with my family.
It started out cold. Like really really cold (4 degrees with a high of 17). Yikes. But it was gorgeous outside. Sunshine, clear skies and a beautiful fresh blanket of white fluff. During morning nap I sat in the sunshine with my laptop and waited for pecan pies to bake. The entire house smelled divine. Sugary and holiday-ish.
After James woke up we decided we needed to get out. That morning we'd already done nearly one million circles around the living room and basement, and we needed to tucker the Baby Man out so he had a good second nap.
So we decided to bundle up as a family and go to the park. And, surprisingly, in the sunshine, it wasn't
that cold. And, we had the park to ourselves! It was amazing. We tromped through the snow, watched the ducks circle in the river, played near the trees and really had an amazing time.
This is the view from the park. Salt Lake City is such a beautiful city.

We really had a fun time in the snow.

At one point we laid him down in the snow and he was laughing and acting super silly. So sweet.

Then James rocked his second nap. I hate waking him up, but we had a feast to attend! This photo might encompass everything I love. Peace, warmth, comfort and a wonderful little boy.

This is the view from the street on the way to E's house. Gah, sometimes I just have a glorious overload. ;)

Ethan's family invited my dad to Thanksgiving so he wouldn't be alone. It was wonderful to be surrounded by family from both sides. I was so excited to have James eat his first Thanksgiving meal (last year on Thanksgiving he was only 2 days old).

James loved everything. He kept everyone smiling through the entire meal with his silly squeaks and dino growls. He gobbled down turkey, candied yams, corn, and stuffing. But his favorite part of the meal? The cranberry sauce. My word, he LOVED it.

Scarfing down Thanksgiving dinner.

Then after some relaxing and letting the baby toddle around, we served dessert. The pecan pies were perfect this year. Just the right amount of bourbon and yumminess. James was thrilled when he was served an entire piece of pumpkin pie. Instead of picking at it he took the entire slice (I kid you not, this was a normal sized piece) and stuck the entire thing in is mouth and swallowed. We couldn't believe it! We kept joking that he eats like a snake, swallows his meal whole. He loved it.

It was an amazing day start to finish and really emphasized everything in my life that is awesome. E and I (and James!) are looking forward to another holiday feast on Sunday night with my family.
Happy Thanksgiving!