November 18th 2009 was the day my baby was due to be born. I was ready to pop, but I didn't pop for 6 more days.
This year? My baby is a big walking talking kid. Here is a long silly video (again with horrible basement lighting). You see him walking, acting silly, throwing a fit, crying and even speaking! Yes! In addition to "Mabel" and "kitty" (and Mama and Dada) my boy now says "baby." He likes to call my dolls "baby" and totally knows what I'm talking about when I ask about the baby. Twice during this video he says baby, the best one happening at 2:49. AND, if you make it to the very end of this long video you'll see my kid throw a fit for no reason (teething? who knows...) Ah, the joys of toddlerhood...
Walking Home in the Rain
1 week ago
I think he starts to cry when you say, "bye-bye". I'm not sure what he's thinking about it, but he didn't want to hear it. Also, Lei Mae is Lei Mae Dos, remember. (Looks like James is already a member of GFAG!) I can't believe he's walking alone already! How fast this year has
November 18th was my due date too! But I was induced on the 16th due to my low blood pressure and his lack of oxygen. It seems like your little one has it down with talking though! That's great! Cute video!