I take a lot of videos of James because he loves to watch them. He's obsessed.
So the other day when he was reminding me of the rule with the toilet paper (that you don't pull it off the roll and eat it) I just had to get a video of him. Notice he's saying "no, no, no" and shaking his little finger? Where he learned this, I have no idea. I've never shook (or is it shaken?) my finger at him when telling him no. He cracks me up. And, yes, the toilet is very clean. :)
I've also mentioned that he LOVES the tree outside. The one that is not even on our property. He asks me over and over in his sweetest little voice "tree? out?" until I say "do you want to go outside and visit the tree?" These are the magic words, a huge grins spreads across his face every time. Notice he kisses the tree on command, but never his mother.
What We Need to Hear
4 days ago
These are so great. I think we watched the first one like nine times and now every time Jonesy does something he's not supposed to do, Ella shakes her finger at him and says "no no no no no no no" just like James. It's been pretty funny.