We like to make a big deal over holidays in our house. Birthdays last a month. Christmas lasts easily two months. Father's Day and Mother's Day are not celebrated in a single day, but spread over the entire weekend.
So on Saturday I took my boys out to breakfast. With a big day of hosting parties to follow, I wanted some nice time with my family that didn't include cooking or cleaning. Just a long breakfast and really amazing food.
We chose Blue Plate Diner again. This place might be our new favorite breakfast joint here in SLC. We love it. The menu is huge. They serve lunch all day (which only matters when you want to order mac and cheese off the kids menu at 9:00 am), and the eggs Benedict are worth the millions of calories. They are divine. Plus? The entire joint is filled with ceiling fans, which James is mesmerized by, therefore giving E and I time to enjoy a long breakfast.

I tried a few times to call out to James. But the ceiling fans were just
too amazing.

What a great kiddo he is. E and I seem to say it over and over. Feel very lucky to be his Mama.

Then after baby nap E, James and I decided to go on one of our favorite hikes close to home - Ferguson Canyon. James loves hiking in the pack, E and I love this trail because very quickly you go from seeing an amazing view of the valley below to being swept up into a hidden canyon with towering cliffs, lush green trees and a happy and swift river.

We didn't take a super long hike, and near the spot we turned around we got James out of the pack so he could do a bit of hiking on his own.

Some of my favorite photos from our hike. Yellow daisies were in bloom and we were totally getting a kick out of James hiking with Dada's trekking poles.

Little spring near the beginning of the trail. The water was freezing and so crystal clear. James only dipped his toes for a moment.

View of the valley on the way back to the car. Happy Father's Day Eve.