What a fantastic half a year it has been.
Juliet is sitting up by herself, eating sweet potato once a day, and pretty much the best baby ever. She's a great sleeper, going to bed at 7:00 and sleeping until 4:30 or so to eat, and then back in bed until 7:00 am. She now takes a morning and afternoon nap. Each time she sleeps it's in a different place, but that's ok. During the night she's in the bassinet near my bed, in the morning she's either in her crib or her swing, and for her afternoon nap she's next to me in my bed, which is still my favorite time of day.
She is a happy smiley girl. She loves her brother and her Daddy and me too, of course. She has some stranger anxiety and doesn't want to be held by someone she doesn't know.
She is perfect.
Onto likes and dislikes.
- Snuggles. I say this every month but seriously, she is so dang happy when she's next to me in bed.
- When James makes her laugh. The other day on the way home from Snowbird James starting making silly sounds trying to get her to laugh while we were in the car. She started laughing so hard she gave herself hiccups, which got James laughing really hard too. E and I were in the front seat soaking in all the awesome-ness.
- Sweet potato lunches
- Being outside
- Playing on her changing pad
- Her Jumperoo (she can now jump!)
- Sitting up
- Milk from the source (the boob)
- The most evil thing in the world: the bottle
- Poo blowouts
- Being too hot. She overheats way easier than James ever did. She's like her Mama in that regard.
- Face-planting when she is sitting up. Doesn't happen often (I always watch her and can catch her) but it has happened a couple of times and she is not happy.
- Tummy time (however today she rocked tummy time for a good 10 minutes!)
It is hard to get an accurate photo of her eye color these days, some photos they look so dark and other photos they look blue. This photo might be the best I have to show the color of her eyes. Light, but definitely not blue.
Such a sweet girl.
Loves her toes these days.
And a photo after I feed her lunch. Notice the sweet potato up near her temple. Gooey girl.
And from 1 month until now:

Outfit details-
Dress and bloomers: Janie & Jack
Headband: Homemade
Also, I added some sweet photos to the previous post, see them here.
How I love this beautiful, little girl, goo and all!
ReplyDeleteShe is SO precious! What a joy!