Luckily, this time we called ahead and the tram was open and waiting! We told James our plan and he was thrilled. So excited. We bought tickets and boarded first thing.
James was mesmerized. It is crazy how smooth and fast the tram is. He stayed in Dada's arms the entire ten minute ride as we sped up the mountain.
Out the window we spotted the blue tram making its decent.
This little girl didn't make a peep. Not one. She happily smiled at everyone on the tram ride and snuggled me in the baby pack.
This is the face you get when you ask James to look at the stranger and smile. Cracks me up.
Welcome to Hidden Peak. While the temperature in the valley was about 100, the temp at 11000 feet was a perfect 65. Best temperature ever.
Off the boys went to look over the "steep mountain".
Down below us hillsides were covered with wildflowers.
Jagged peaks as far as the eye can see.
James wanted to take a hike with Dada and I decided to find a spot to nurse the baby. This is the spot I choose. Might be my favorite spot ever. As I sat there enjoying the sunshine Juliet fell asleep in my arms. I watched a hummingbird zip by and land in the trees right below me. I watched a lake I didn't first see thousands of feet down ripple in the wind and sunlight. And Juliet sighed in her sleep. It was heavenly.
Soon my best hikers were back. Notice the rocks lined up on the right? James got them all fixed for us.
Back down at the bottom we did exactly what we did last year, go to our favorite Mexican restaurant and eat chips and salsa and the best fish tacos ever.
Juliet smiled and cooed and didn't make a fuss (unlike the last time when we were here, and she cried through the entire dinner).
Mountains and fish tacos. My two favorite things. Damn fine day.
And just a little side-by-side, for fun. Boy this boy has grown.
Last summer. This summer.

What a fantastic day! And such perfect children! How'd you get so lucky?